Cycle Syncing, Moving With Your Cycle

Our bodies are incredible, intricate ecosystems that follow a rhythm of their own. As individuals who menstruate, it's crucial to understand that our energy levels and movement preferences fluctuate throughout our menstrual cycle. Understanding how to move/exercise with your cycle or “cycle sync” is a hot topic these days. We’ve teamed up with Dr. Kailee Karst who is a pelvic health and whole body physical therapist that takes a holistic approach to women’s health and care. Dr. Karst is also in the process of publishing her book “Eating & Moving for Your Cycle.” 

Your menstrual cycle is a natural and dynamic process, and it influences your energy levels and exercise needs. Recognizing these variations and learning to listen to your body is key to maintaining overall well-being.

Period Days: Rest and Recharge

During your period, it's entirely normal to feel like you need extra rest. Embrace this time as an opportunity to nourish your body with self-care. Restorative yoga, gentle stretching, and deep breathing exercises can help alleviate discomfort and promote relaxation. Remember, honoring your body's cues is a form of self-love.

Follicular: Ease into Movement 

First half of your cycle and technically includes your period. You may want more rest at the beginning of this phase but, towards the end you may crave more movement as you move closer to your ovulation phase. 

Ovulation: Embrace Higher Activity

As you approach ovulation, you might find yourself brimming with energy. This is a great time to engage in higher-intensity workouts or outdoor activities you enjoy. Embrace the feeling of empowerment that comes with these peak energy days.

Luteal: Listen to Your Body

Approaching your next period, you might feel a dip in energy levels. It can be challenging to determine whether rest or exercise is the best choice. In such moments, Dr. Karst recommends trying the three-minute test – briskly walking for three minutes. If you feel more energized afterward, exercise may be the answer. If you feel more fatigued, your body may need rest. Trust yourself and your instincts.

Do you have a lot of questions about your cycle? Join us for a Free educational talk at 11:30am on October 14th.

Now that you know how your body might be feeling at the different phases of your cycle you are ready to explore how to move in sync with these phases. Niche Instructor Joelle and Dr. Karst put together a class that guides you through a variety of movements that align with the different phases of your cycle. Join us for a 50 Minute class on October 14th at 12:15pm. You will leave the class with education and movements to apply to each phase of your cycle.


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